Art blog gaga No.01

Blog entry | 29 oct | 2020

Why you should consider art as an investment, rather than just “decoration”.

Hello lovely people out there.

Maybe it’s just me, but I feel that art has a very interesting dichotomy between those who are “serious collectors” willing to invest vs. those who assume that if one decides to pursue art as a “career path”, that you will find yourself labeled as the ubiquitous “starving artist” for life. Having been at Art Basel in years past, I have always felt like I could not disagree more, and at last, here is a good example that supports my theory. Just this week, someone shared this tweet with me:

Larry Fink Tweet
26 oct 2020

For those who, perhaps, don’t know who BlackRock is, they are a HUGE global investment manager/technology company, whose 2nd quarter ended at a whopping $7.32 trillion dollars in assets in July 2020, according to CNBC. Needless to say, they are obviously very good at what they do, so to see Larry Fink’s quote above, came as a pleasant surprise that my gutt has been, perhaps, on the right track all along.

If this doesn’t make you reconsider how art may be worth the investment, then ask yourself, what would?


PS | Don’t forget to follow me @mundodaromi

Blog entry | 29 oct | 2020